
A big file of bitcoin transactions

Diagram showing the blockchain as a file stored by nodes on the bitcoin network.
Current Blockchain Size:
646.52 GB
841,869 blocks
Note: This is the size of the blockchain for my local node.
The size of your blockchain will differ depending on how many chain reorganisations your node has experienced and how many stale blocks you have stored on disk.

The blockchain is a file of transactions. It's the most important file that a bitcoin node maintains.

It is called the "blockchain" because new transactions are added to the file in blocks, and these blocks are built on top of one another to create a chain of blocks. Hence, blockchain.

But ultimately, the blockchain is permanent storage for bitcoin transactions.

Live Bitcoin Blockchain:

Tip: 841,869 (0 blocks away) ⇈
Next 0 blocks ↑
Height Block Hash Time (UTC) Size Txs Avg Fee Rate AFR
841,869 841,869 00000000000000000001dff3e89f76beaef79f9378d2762feb4dc2708d7ff524 ago 1.62 MB 2,834 31
841,868 841,868 00000000000000000001f749210aa32af37df2baee68bdc97cd4269d30f8b6e9 ago 1.54 MB 2,633 19
841,867 841,867 00000000000000000002553014967c82d621e3c09b87fde73de4c7185063defc ago 1.51 MB 2,658 45
841,866 841,866 00000000000000000001b649ad63a4bcff85698388159f9be47aa87a05914fe0 ago 1.65 MB 3,110 26
841,865 841,865 0000000000000000000209d0b7053f6f9711e6307dacd23f1736de0897f71c29 ago 1.62 MB 3,235 17
841,864 841,864 000000000000000000011bd11e2540fa9af1c5859493378844b3aa229906b71f 1.45 MB 2,504 28
841,863 841,863 00000000000000000002b443567a6e17e0ad04a77353e2c3b9990da6afb36393 1.53 MB 2,794 35
841,862 841,862 000000000000000000029a4a517d2e1f47c24e28742ed0d781c204e7f9a3a1fc 1.55 MB 3,294 24
841,861 841,861 000000000000000000004674ef6a178d1833bf123b51a1ba7f2d96750fedce59 1.53 MB 3,090 31
841,860 841,860 000000000000000000025626f6beb7e649685683f4f6eb51a4dce273337ca7cf 1.87 MB 2,555 13
841,859 841,859 000000000000000000015d61965e797569682ccc25acd2ff4aa35ad4b97a5c58 1.78 MB 3,131 13
841,858 841,858 000000000000000000027f45771847f42058cbb2d07be7c4bcc10f573d6caf3e 1.70 MB 2,048 19
841,857 841,857 00000000000000000002f8dbf883ddcf56ad51ad7b678d69199f220482fd5730 1.55 MB 2,484 23
841,856 841,856 00000000000000000000f287f2fe507ee8f0bbe368570633c0cdb3c52c0f89e6 1.55 MB 1,780 17
841,855 841,855 0000000000000000000061d14ba749be88a41eccd53c15804b0e4b8103325b20 1.57 MB 2,453 25
841,854 841,854 00000000000000000002f2e38e2af4d079f55458cf9d9693f409fac15c0d7ec4 1.68 MB 2,699 19
841,853 841,853 00000000000000000002d3de319a5acd62c208054259e6bea9bee49fcf3d5cf5 1.66 MB 4,518 15
841,852 841,852 0000000000000000000283acaac2f7728b9a8d27dfd2fad0d23471168b24bb5d 1.57 MB 2,376 21
841,851 841,851 00000000000000000002a82373bae93ad36f613817188f474c53068dbd1e1e13 1.89 MB 4,599 16
841,850 841,850 00000000000000000001b5112a7c22656b11800d9ffebc9d174c0c8bbdd2af6e 1.73 MB 5,100 16
841,849 841,849 00000000000000000002b244b27314a6b3adee75aae1968af5e86e04e7d112d5 1.62 MB 2,737 25
Previous 10 blocks ↓
Total Size: 646.52 GB


How do you get a copy of the blockchain?

Diagram showing the blockchain being downloaded from other nodes on the network.

The easiest way to get a copy of the blockchain is to run a Bitcoin node.

When you run the Bitcoin program (e.g. Bitcoin Core) your node will automatically download blocks from other nodes on the network until you have an up-to-date copy of the blockchain on your computer.

When nodes connect to each other, they tell each other the height of their chain (how many blocks they have) during the initial handshake. If another node has more blocks than you, your node will request these blocks from the other nodes until you have a full copy of the blockchain.

As a result, nodes are constantly communicating with each other to replicate the blockchain across every computer on the network.

There is no single or definitive version of "the blockchain". Every node keeps their own local copy of the blockchain, and it can vary from computer to computer at any given time.

It can take a while to download the full blockchain when you run Bitcoin for the first time. This is referred to as the Initial Block Download (IBD).


How are new blocks added to the blockchain?

Diagram showing the a block being mined on to the blockchain by a node on the network.

New blocks of transactions must be mined on to the blockchain.

In short, the process of mining involves collecting transactions from the memory pool in to a candidate block, and then using processing power to produce a block hash that is below a specific target value. This means that any node on the network can mine a new block, but you need to use energy to be able to do so.

Block Hash
Target Recaluclator

When a node (or "miner") successfully mines a new block, they will share it with the other nodes on the network. When other nodes receive this new block, they will add it to their blockchain, and miners will start trying to mine a new block on top of it.

Diagram showing a newly-mined block being propagated to other on the network.

As a result, miners are constantly working to extend the blockchain with new blocks of transactions.

Here's a video on how mining works in Bitcoin.

Chain Reorganisations

Can two blocks be mined at the same time?

As the blockchain is being built, it's perfectly normal for two blocks to be mined at the same time.

Diagram showing a temporary fork in the blockchain due to two blocks being mined at the same time.
If two blocks are mined at the same time it will cause a temporary "fork" in the chain.

In this situation, nodes will consider the first block they receive as part of their blockchain, but also keep the second block they receive just in case. However, the second block to arrive (and the transactions inside it) will not be considered as part of their active blockchain.

Consequently, nodes on the network will be in temporary disagreement about which of these two blocks belongs at the top of the chain.

This disagreement is resolved when the next block is mined. The next block will build on top of one of these blocks, creating a new longest chain of blocks, and as a rule nodes will always adopt the longest known chain of blocks as their active blockchain.

As a result, nodes with the shorter chain will perform a chain reorganisation to move out blocks from their old active chain in favour of blocks that make up a new longer chain.

Diagram showing a temporary fork in the blockchain being resolved via a chain reorganisation.
A fork is resolved when a new block is mined, as this will create a new longest chain.

So although there may be disagreements across the network about which block(s) belong at the top of the blockchain at any given time, the mining of new blocks and the adoption of the longest chain means that nodes will always eventually be in sync.

A temporary fork like this is rare. It happens about once a month (roughly), and usually only affects the top block on the blockchain.

Longest Chain

Can blocks in the blockchain can be replaced?

Due to the way the blockchain is built, it's possible for blocks at the top of the chain to be replaced.

Nodes always adopt the longest chain as the "true" version of the blockchain. Therefore, you could always try and build a new longer chain of blocks to replace an existing one, and every node on the network will adopt it.

As a result, this allows you to "undo" or reverse a bitcoin transaction from the blockchain.

Diagram showing nodes on the network adopting the longest chain of blocks as their blockchain.
If you build a new longest chain of blocks, other nodes will adopt it as their blockchain.

However, the problem is that all miners are incentivized to always be building on to the longest known chain. This means that the combined processing power of miners on the network will be focused on building one single chain, which will be built faster than any chain you could build on your own.

Diagram showing nodes on the network adopting the longest chain of blocks as their blockchain.
Miners naturally work to extend the current longest chain.

In other words, the combined processing power of the network working to build the blockchain helps to protect blocks (and transactions) that have already been mined on to the blockchain.

So the only way you could perform an intentional chain reorganisation (to "undo" a transaction in an existing block) would be to have more processing power than every other miner combined so that you could out-mine the network and build a longer chain for everyone to adopt. This is referred to as a "51% Attack".

Nobody has performed a successful 51% attack on the Bitcoin blockchain.


Where is the blockchain stored?

If you're running a Bitcoin Core node, the blockchain files can be found in the following location on your computer:

The blockchain is split in to multiple files named blk00000.dat, blk00001.dat, blk00002.dat, and so on. This is because it's easier to work with multiple small files than it is to work with one giant file. See blk.dat for details.


Diagram showing a blockchain being built by nodes across a network of computers.
Click on the image to see a nice and slow visualization of a blockchain being built over time, including a chain reorganisation.

The blockchain is permanent storage for bitcoin transactions. New transactions are added to the file in blocks, and these blocks are built on top of each other to create a chain.

New blocks are added to the blockchain through mining, which involves the use of computer processing power. This means it takes energy to mine a block, but any node can work to try and add the next block on to the chain.

When a new block is mined, it will be relayed across the network, which nodes will verify and add on to their chain. This makes the blockchain a constantly growing ledger of transactions, distributed across multiple computers on a network.

Nodes always adopt the longest chain of blocks as the active version of the blockchain, which resolves disagreements about which blocks belong at the top of the chain. This also protects blocks that are already in the blockchain, as it would require large amounts of energy to build a chain that replaces blocks lower down in the chain.

The mechanism of mining and adopting the longest chain allows multiple computers over a network to agree on the same set of blocks and transactions, whilst also making it difficult for anyone to make historic changes to the blocks (and therefore transactions) in the blockchain.

As a result the blockchain is a secure, distributed, and regularly updated file of transactions.
